Фотограф показала, что значит быть красивой в разных странах

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Михаэла Норок потратила все свои сбережения на путешествия. Девушка объездила полмира, чтобы сделать кадры, которые бы отражали идеал красоты в каждой стране, которую она посетила. По приезде домой фотограф опубликовала книгу, которую назвала «Атлас красоты». Снимки из альбома — перед вами.

Румынка Михаэла Норок во время почти что кругосветного путешествия сделала серию потрясающих по своей красоте снимков, на которых изображены представительницы слабого пола.

Михаэла решила создать проект под названием «Атлас красоты», который показывает, насколько многообразна женская красота по всему земному шару.

Норок делала снимки повсюду: от маленьких индийских деревень до больших европейских мегаполисов.

Михаэла посетила более 37 стран. На своем сайте девушка написала, что старалась показать разнообразие женских образов по всему миру.

«Я старалась выйти за рамки стереотипов и раскрыть аутентичность каждой девушки. На мой взгляд, быть красивой - значит сохранить принадлежность к своей культуре и осознавать свое происхождение»,

— поделилась фотограф с поклонниками своего творчества.

Россиянка Элеонора из Санкт-Петербурга

Девушка из Киргизии в национальном костюме

Before her performance in a traditional show, in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. #theatlasofbeauty

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Иранка из города Шираз

Девушка-полицейский из Индии

Женщина из иранской деревни

Турчанка Тутку из Стамбула

Tutku is from Istanbul, Turkey. She experienced many heart breaking moments in her life, but her positive spirit always gave her the strength to move forward. Her mother had several miscarriages before giving birth to her. When she was a child, her father paralysed and Tutku had to start working for a living at an early age. Her determination paid off and a few years ago she became a chef. But again life hit her hard. One day Tutku totally lost her hearing. She went to many doctors but her case seemed hopeless. “Once, I was staying on my balcony. And I closed my eyes and said to myself: If, when I will open my eyes, I will see at least a bird on the sky that means I will hear again. I was afraid to open my teary eyes and I stayed a long time like that. When I finally had the courage to look on the sky, I saw two birds.” After a while Tutku received an innovative implant that provides a sense of sound. Now she can work again, as a chef, but her hearing is still weak and that’s a huge challenge in a busy restaurant. But Tutku didn’t complain, when we met. In the contrary: She was grateful for every second of her new life. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #AroundTheWorld #Turkey

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Девушка из Ирана по имени Махса (в переводе с персидского - «похожая на Луну»)

Немка Катарина из Мюнхена

Итальянки Барбара и Катерина из Милана

Mother and daughter on the streets of Milan, Italy, a few weeks ago. Caterina, the daughter, started to dance when she was 3 years old. “I always said to my mother that I want to become a ballerina.” And Barbara, the mother, always supported her. They both moved to Milan from their small town so Caterina could fulfil her dream and study ballet from an early age in one of the most prestigious schools in the world. Her brother and her father had to remain home, a few hundred kilometres away. Art requires huge sacrifices, years of hard work and difficulties, but great things never come easy. Just imagine how Barbara feels today when she sees Caterina dancing on one of the most famous stages in the world: the stage of La Scala. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #Milan #Italy #Ballerina #Mother #Daughter #Story #AroundTheWorld

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Иорданка Дания из Аммана

Dania is from Amman, Jordan. She's a trainer in the first self-defense studio for women in the Middle East. “Before I was really, really shy. In school nobody knew my name, not even my teachers. I was so timid I couldn’t even stand up in class and answer a question, even if I knew the answer very well. But Martial Arts changed my life. Now I’m doing workshops and I’m giving classes of self-defense. I don’t think I will have to use my skills outside trainings. People see that I’m confident, they feel I’m capable to defend myself.” When I entered in SheFighter studio a few months ago, I discovered an amazing initiative and a splendid sisterhood between women from different environments. That’s real empowerment, not just words. I will post more stories from this amazing place in the future. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #AroundTheWorld #Jordan

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Девушка из Афганистана

Эфиопская девушка

She’s Muslim, but her best friend, another young woman who owns this small terrace, is Christian. While traveling in Ethiopia, in February, I admired the way Christians and Muslims get along. I saw many beautiful friendships that go beyond religion. But in the same country, there are dozens of terrible ethnic conflicts, based on other reasons than religion. While traveling around the world I realised that is not the religion, the colour, or the ethnicity the real reason for conflicts and intolerance. But something else. The truth is that some people always take advantage of these conflicts. They conceive them by raising anger among us, just to feed their pockets or their ego. It was always like that, but today I think we have more opportunities to make a change. Our love can be stronger than their greed. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #Ethiopia #aroundtheworld

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Швейцарка Элизабет из Цюриха

Elisabeth is from Zürich, Switzerland. In 1947, when she was a teenager, Elisabeth became a model for a ceramic artist. She fell in love with ceramic art and day by day she learned it by watching. And that’s how it became her passion and profession for the rest of her life. She had to stop twice. At 39 years old she had a terrible car accident and she went through 19 surgeries. Almost 35 years later she had to stop again. Her husband was diagnosed with cancer and Elisabeth took care of him till the last moment of his life. Today Elisabeth’s work is displayed in many public areas of Switzerland. When I met her a few weeks ago on the streets of Zürich, she was coming from a printing shop where she picked up some business cards. At 83 years old she enjoys life, she makes new friends and still remembers very well how she fell in love with ceramic art almost 70 years ago. #Zurich #Switzerland #TheAtlasOfBeauty #AroundTheWorld #Artist

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Румынка Элис из Тимишоары

I met Alice a few days ago on the streets of Timisoara, Romania where she was celebrating her high school graduation. She told me that the first years of school were terrible because of some bullies from her class. “You’re stupid” was the most common insult that she heard. She didn’t have self-esteem, she couldn’t focus on learning and her marks were really bad. After she started to ignore the bullies, her marks improved spectacularly and this year she was among the first at the National Mathematical Olympiad. I think most of the times, succeeding is more about confidence than about talent. We are all gifted in one way or another. We just have to see ourselves as we are, not as others tell us we are. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #Romania #Timisoara #AroundTheWorld #Graduation

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