Молодая мамочка из Австралии восхитила мир своей фигурой

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Фото: Panther Media/Scanpix

Австралийская «фитнес-гуру», 26-летняя Софи Гвидолин, стала звездой Инстаграма благодаря своей удивительно стройной фигуре. Женщина сохранила идеальные формы после рождения близнецов.

Ее мускулистое, подтянутое тело и сравнительно маленький живот – результат очень интенсивных, продолжавшихся всю беременность тренировок.

Они включали, в том числе, поднятие штанги – вплоть до последних дней перед родами. Все это не могло не вызывать восхищение и зависть одних, критику и неприятие других – число подписчиков Инстаграма Софи уже превысило 200 тысяч.

Теперь их, видимо, станет еще больше – 31 августа Софи путем кесарева сечения благополучно родила двух чудесных здоровых девочек, которых назвали Эви и Ария, став таким образом мамой четырех детей.

Всего через два дня после родов Софи, одетая в черное спортивное белье, продемонстрировала подписчикам Инстаграма свой почти плоский живот, которым она по праву может гордиться.

Today is 2 days since I gave birth to our twin girls ( @evie_and_aria ) ? This post takes a lot of courage as I am only 'just' up and walking since having a c-section. Something I was hoping to avoid, however it was SO much better than I thought it would be and recovery has been pretty incredible so far! The babies were almost 5 pound each, so carrying 10 pounds of babies only 2 days ago is something I am proud my body has gone through and achieved. So many women whose pregnancy I have followed have posted photos 2 weeks later with no stomach, however this IS 'my' reality and your uterus doesn't just 'go away' at the moment my uterus is still contracting to get it down to the normal/non pregnant size. My tummy is like a soft jelly and tender to touch. These are in exact pair of underwear I posted a photo in the day before giving birth. Every women's journey is different and it doesn't make one right or one wrong, this is simply my journey I am sharing. I will do a full birth story in a few weeks time, but at the moment we are soaking up our delicious newborns ? #twinpregnancy #sophieguidolin #twins

A photo posted by SOPHIE GUIDOLIN (@sophie_guidolin) on

The human body is freaking crazy! The photo above is about 1-2 weeks before giving birth (last photo I have on my back- which was funnily enough my most 'prominent' bump position. I grew the most in the last 1-2 weeks so it was a lot bigger than this also.) The photo on the bottom is 5 days after giving birth. It is CRAZY to think that both of the babies fit into my tummy, now that they are out! I am feeling very 'empty' after not having any flutters, kicks or movements any more ? My body has been through such a whirlwind and is super tender to even touch- it is the weirdest feeling to touch my stomach as it is soft and jelly, very different to my firm hard pregnant belly with arms and legs everywhere! ? when I stand up I still have my bump- which Ryder has lovingly pointed out, that I may still have a baby in there. This post is in no way shaming or telling women how you should look post baby- it is simply my complete journey through my pregnancy and beyond with twins. With my first two singletons I certainly did not go down as well and even now with the twins I still have a long long way to go- but having twins is the best thing in the world staring at the perfection made. I still have my stretchmarks, excess skin and jelly stomach. I will do a full birth story and a Q&A once were all settled into life with two newborns, plus the business and the boys ?? Becoming a mum again with a 7 year gap has literally been like jumping back on a bike. My heart is beyond in love and I am on a complete emotional high. I haven't had any post baby blues or day 3 cries, just in awe of the miracles we have created! @evie_and_aria #twinpregnancy #bodiesareamazing

A photo posted by SOPHIE GUIDOLIN (@sophie_guidolin) on

«Каждая из девочек весит 5 фунтов (2260 грамма), поэтому еще два дня назад я носила в себе более 4,5 килограммов, поэтому я горжусь тем, через что прошло мое тело, и как оно теперь выглядит», –

написала Софи. Этот пост уж собрал сотни комментариев, авторы которых в основном выражают свое восхищение и поддержку.

{28 weeks pregnant with the twins} I am getting ALOT of comments & emails in regards to whether I will be releasing a pregnancy exercise & nutrition book or program. The answer was and still is, unfortunately no. Pregnancy is not a time for a generic workout plan & cannot be the same for every pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different with health & fitness levels, mothers requirements and any implications from the individual pregnancy. ➡️It doesn't sit right with me to write a program or a book on what has worked for me as I started off very fit. Many women have asked me for generic guidance or questions on what they should do via Instagram or email without me even knowing their names let alone their maternal history. Yes, we offer custom programs however I cannot give you advice without knowing your entire history and pregnancy ? #twinpregnancy

A photo posted by SOPHIE GUIDOLIN (@sophie_guidolin) on

Не теряя времени Софи превратила своих дочек в «звездочек» соцсетей, заведя им аккаунт в Инстаграме, у которого уже 28 тысяч фолловеров.

{ahhh a deep relaxing bath & clean clothes can do wonders, this is how we slept inside mama}

A photo posted by Evie & Aria (@evie_and_aria) on

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