Принц Чарльз теперь здоровается при помощи намасте. Это жест, который представляет собой соединение двух ладоней перед собой. Является традиционным индийским и непальским приветствием.
Принц Чарльз и намасте
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Prince Charles preferred #Namaste over #Handshake.
— INSIGHT_UK (@INSIGHTUK2) March 9, 2020
Say Yes to #Namaste, Say no to a handshake & hence #coronavirus. Age-old Indian way of greeting people called #Namaste is hygienic, friendly & centres your energies. Try it.#caronavirusuk #COVID19 #CoronavirusOutbreak pic.twitter.com/BUzHBVYRU7
Prince Charles says he is struggling not to shake hands because of #Coronavirus Arriving at PrincesTrust awards this afternoon, he twice extended his hand before withdrawing it at the last minute. ‘It’s just so hard to remember not to,’ he laughed & offered a #Namaste? Instead. pic.twitter.com/FisR9FIeHh
— ?बिश्वकर्मा™ (@R_Resolution) March 12, 2020