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Alexandra Nekrasova

В Англии первое смертельное ДТП с участием электроскутера. Погибла звезда соцсетей

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Фото: Ekrānuzņēmums no Instagram/ @emilyhartridge

В пятницу, 12 июля, на юге Лондона 35-летняя телеведущая и звезда социальных сетей Эмили Хартридж попала в смертельную аварию - передвигаясь на электроскутере, она столкнулась с грузовиком, пишет The Guardian. 

ДТП произошло на оживленной кольцевой развязке. Девушка погибла на месте - медикам осталось лишь констатировать ее смерть.

Отмечается, что авария с участием Хартридж стала первым смертельным ДТП с электроскутерами в Великобритании.

Заметим, что в Великобритании законом запрещено перемещаться на электроскутерах по проезжей части, но во многих городах Европы так передвигаются миллионы людей, поэтому и на туманном Альбионе популярность этого вида транспорта только растет. 

​Полиция начала расследование. 

Известно, что общая аудитория Эмили Хартридж составляла около 400 тысяч человек: на ее YouTube-канал было подписано более 340 тысяч человек, на официальную страницу в социальной сети Instagram - почти 50 тысяч.

В последнее время Эмили была достаточно известным в Великобритании фитнес-блогером. Благодаря этому, ее стали все чаще приглашать на телевидение. 

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‘EMILY, ARE YOU A MAN?’ ??? • Someone messaged me this on Instagram last week and it doesn’t upset me ❌ I just think it’s LAUGHABLE ? • This is 2019, how are some of us still stuck in the 1800s ??‍♀️ • I don’t believe there are such things as ‘Manly’ or ‘feminine’, what a crock of ? • Those terms were merely created by society years ago and much like sheep, we have all followed these rules for centuries ? • Men go to work. Women stay home and cook. Men bring in the money. Women look after the children. Men are the bosses. Women are the assistants. Men drink the drinks. Women bring them the drinks. Men play sports. Women watch. Men drive the cars, women sit in the passenger seat. Men have muscles. Women need to stay thin.......BORE OFF MATE ?? • We as women have come so far but there are STILL some men around who just can’t handle what strong ass mother f*ckers we have become ?? • Just so you know, all those comments do is make us want to look stronger and be stronger ?? • I have never adhered to societal norms and I am certainly not going to start now ??‍♀️ • Whenever I get comments like this, I just think how sad that you are constantly scrolling on your computer or phone looking for someone to upset whilst we are out in the REAL WORLD living our lives ? • Now can someone please pass me a dumbbell? And make it a heavy one ?️‍♂️ ________________________________________________ #strong #strength #muscles #motivation #abs #lean #goals #female #empowerment #femaleempowerment #truth #positivity #positivethinking #body #fit #beautiful #fitnessgirl #boxing #girlswhobox #yoga #yogi

Публикация от Emily Hartridge (@emilyhartridge)

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DO YOU EVER FEEL READY TO HAVE A BABY? ???‍♀️ - Now it’s no secret that I am very maternal and have wanted kids since I was very young but my question is this.....how on earth does someone feel ready to have a kid? ? - I know there are women out there that feel like there is a time in their life where they say to themselves ‘Right, NOW I want to have a baby’ ?? And even if I was married and fully settled (Although I actually hate the word ‘settled’) I still don’t think I would be ready for a baby ? - I don’t know if it’s because I am very ambitious career wise and I love to go away that I worry about how much having a child pins you down and you lose a certain amount of freedom. Or if it’s because I constantly feel like a 12 year old trapped in a 35 year olds body ? Like, I barely know what I am doing everyday and navigating through life as it is is a challenge for me ? - Every year I say to myself ‘Maybe next year’ then that year comes and I say ‘maybe next year’ then that year comes and I say ‘Defo next year’ then that year comes and here I am ??‍♀️ - To be honest I think the dream for me would be to get pregnant by accident but with @jacob_hazell being sober and me barely drinking me thinks that ain’t ever gonna happen ? So I would need to make the executive decision to have a baby and I just think to myself....WHEN IS THE RIGHT TIME TO DO THAT? LIKE WHEN?????? ? - I am posting about this because I would genuinely love to hear your opinions on this topic ? - For some reason in my end I think- having a baby = life stops ?? And that just freaks me right out ? - So hit me, what do you think? There is no right or wrong answer, I would just like to know if I am the only women who thinks like this ? ____________________________________________ #children #baby #babies #women #fertility #eggfreezing #life #honesty #advice #help

Публикация от Emily Hartridge (@emilyhartridge)

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#??????????????? ???? ??? ??? (AD) ?????? - The reason why I wanted to get involved with this campaign is because I feel very strongly about a few things in this world. Dogs, mental health and the environment ? • And as just 1 teeny tiny speck on the planet it feels impossible to really change one of the biggest threats we face- climate change ? • But if all the teeny tiny specks thought that then nothing would ever change and that would just be very very sad ?? • So although ‘Meat free week’ is almostover, I truly hope it has inspired you to maybe rethink what you put into your body and how all our choices really can either positively or negatively affect this planet we currently reside on ?? • Did you try and not eat meat this week? ?❌ If so, how did it find it? What did you find you missed the most? ? • It’s so easy nowadays to find amazing meat alternatives and delicious vegan recipes ?‍? • One of my faves is- Brown rice pasta (my personal fave) fry tofu or tofurky (tofurky is LIFE ??) in coconut oil, roast any veg you like, then throw the veggies in with the tofu and add coconut cream or milk and add in veg stock and nutritional yeast. Leave it all infuse together and then eat with brown rice pasta ? • I am a terrible cook but I can assure you that that meal is BANGING ? • Helping the planet doesn’t have to break the bank or even require huge effort, just small little changes can go a long way ❤️ • Pic by @jacob_hazell who is the KING of #boyfriendsofinstagram ?? _____________________________________________ #ad #lessmeatmoreveg #vegan #veganism #food #planet #climatechange #recipes #change #inspiration #fruit #veg

Публикация от Emily Hartridge (@emilyhartridge)

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