Редактор дня:
Sergejs Tihomirovs

Художники потребовали снять их картины со стен дома Иванки Трамп

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Фото: AP/Scanpix

Группа нью-йоркских художников запустила протестную акцию против избранного президента США Дональда Трампа, обратившись к его дочери Иванке. Об этом в четверг, 22 декабря, сообщает Daily Mail.

Кампания получила название «Дорогая Иванка» (Dear Ivanka).

Художники отказались от каких-либо связей с семьей будущего президента и потребовали снять свои картины со стен дома дочери Трампа.

полный текст ЗДЕСЬ

Инициаторами акции выступили художники группировки Halt Action Group (HAG) во главе с Джонатаном Горовицом. В Instagram создан аккаунт dear_ivanka, посвященный кампании.

Dear @ivankatrump, We know how much you like art history. So we made this collage for you. Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon is thought of as the painting that marks a decisive shift in art. It is also the work that strips painting itself from the burden of realistic representation. Every recognizable form is subject to an energy that is as palpable as it is terrifying—as if Picasso forced painting to stare into the abyss of its own future. We might call this – the birth of the Contemporary. Why did Picasso base the subject of this painting on a group of whores? Of women parading their contorted bodies for a viewer? Picasso intimately linked sex to the spectating of art. Exhibitionism and exhibiting entwined in this single “masterpiece.” Women in art history, especially when it comes to the depiction of the Madonna, were almost always depicted with a touch of modesty, eyes half closed or gazing downwards, there was the air of an intelligence, an interior space. Even Mary Magdalene—the Madonna’s sinful twin, the whore who wiped Jesus brow—is traditionally depicted as a contemplative, penitent subject. The world was a world and not simply an enclosed brothel. This brute reality is now a nakedness that looks at you, both an accusation and a desperation; where the requirements of the brothel stand: submit, give us your body and your silence. The art critic Leo Steinberg recalls Picasso having a discussion with Gertrude Stein about skyscrapers. Apparently he didn't know about elevators. “Good god,” he said, “imagine the pangs of jealousy as your lover has to climb all those stairs to get to your top floor apartment.” Even the skyscraper, Steinberg imagines, is forced to be a sexual witness. So the contemporary is a story of sexual real estate and the most vulgar power to strip all forms, especially forms of belief. This painting, as you well know, is in our hometown of New York. Enshrined at the MoMA. And you Ivanka have become our Demoiselle d'Avignon - greeting us as you usher us into the contemporary world enshrined at the pinnacle of Trump Tower. Love, @alisongingeras @baby_seal777 @permanentoedipalregression #ivanka #ivankatrump #dearivanka #fml

A photo posted by Halt Action Group (@dear_ivanka) on

Как написал в социальной сети художник Алекс Да Корт,

ему стыдно находиться рядом с Иванкой, имея в виду «совместную» фотографию дочери избранного президента и одной из его картин, которая висит в доме Трампа.

В коллекции Иванки Трамп полотна Кристофера Вула, Алекса Да Корт и Дэна Колена.

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