Пост модели, избавившейся от тяжелой формы акне всего за неделю, стал вирусным

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Обращаем ваше внимание, что статье более пяти лет и она находится в нашем архиве. Мы не несем ответственности за содержание архивов, таким образом, может оказаться необходимым ознакомиться и с более новыми источниками.
Фото: instagram.com/briannagabrielaa

История этой американки, которая в рекордные сроки смогла вылечить акне, быстро разошлась по Сети. Девушка утверждает, что все необходимое вы можете найти прямо в своем кухонном шкафчике.

Кто бы мог подумать, но избавиться от серьезных высыпаний на лице могут помочь совершенно неожиданные продукты: мед, куркума и корица. Казалось бы — аллергены, но Брианна Лопес решила рискнуть и не прогадала. Она увидела результаты всего через неделю, а уже через два месяца ее лицо было таким, словно она никогда и не страдала акне.

Вместо геля для умывания Брианна использует масло жожоба, а затем применяет чудодейственную маску. Рецепт прост — мед смешать с чайной ложкой куркумы и корицы, а затем нанести эту смесь на лицо.

Закрепить эффект маски помогло масло ши — его надо точечно наносить на прыщи.

По словам американки, эти приемы и помогли ей справиться с проблемной кожей.

«Я хочу пробиться в модельный бизнес, где суровые требования к внешности. Так что мне пришлось придумать какой-то быстродействующий метод. Им я и решила поделиться со своими подписчиками», — написала Лопес в своем Instagram.

Чтобы наглядно продемонстрировать потрясающий эффект народного рецепта, девушка опубликовала коллаж из фото до и после курса процедур. Результат действительно впечатляет!

Однако мы не призываем вас лечиться народными методами и напоминаем, что лучше решать проблему с помощью специалиста.

{{ I didn't expect this many people to respond to this post. I want to help everyone asking what I use and I will make a short video later today explaining what i do. I have a final in like an hour so I'm just tying to study right now. My skin isn't perfect. But it has come along way and I want to share the progress with everyone}} I just wanted to make a little post about skin because I've struggled with mine so much, and i really feel like I need to stop pretending like i haven't. Especially in the industry I am trying to get into, it can be very deceiving about body image and skin. This is my skin at its worst on the lefts and now on the right. This was a hard time and I was very bothered by it. Didn't want to leave my room or even have my own parents look at me. I still have scarring left which I am working with a doctor to fix because to be a model you basically need to be "perfect". Which no one is and I am not claiming to be perfect at all. There are worse things that can happen to you in life than acne. But getting acne takes a really big toll on your life. I'm willing to answer any questions anyone might have. Just needed to get this out there because it is apart of who I am and my story. ( this was really hard to do so please don't say anything mean ?)

A post shared by Brianna Lopez (@briannagabrielaa) on

{{ok editing this really quick cus I think people think I do this every day. I only reaaply moisturizer and sunblock in the mornings and do the oil cleansing and mask at night IF I had on makeup that day. If I didn't wear makeup I would just leave my face alone all the time}} I feel really dumb cus I wanted to make a video but Instagram wouldn't upload it. So I'm Just gonna show u guys picks. 1) i double cleanse with jojoba oil and wipe it off with a hot wash rag 2) i usually do a honey mask mixed with turmeric and cinnamon 3) i have two other masks that I like to use , sulfur mask and bentonit clay mask, but the honey one is my fave 4) I'll moisturize with the shea terra organics perfecting serum and doterra lavender oil 5) at night i'll spot treat with raw shea butter 5) I use the raw elements sunblock pretty much everyday 6) the last slide is the herbs I took to get my skin under control (please do your research on herbs before you take them(ill put a link in my bio for a video about herbs that really helped me) I only do all these steps if I had make up that day. So if I don't wear make up for a few days in a row, I just re-apply the two oils and some sunblock in the morning. I think that's pretty much it. I'm also pescatarian so I don't eat mammal meat but I eat fish. My diet is decent( I'm studying to be a nutritionist) this is what worked for me. I'm not saying that everyone has to do this to have decent skin. Commercial products may work for some people. But it didn't for me. Just made things worse. My skin still isn't "perfect". I'm gonna go through the comments on the other posts and go through the DMs to answer everyone one but there is a lot so bare with me. Feel free to ask more questions here if you need to. Hope this help some people.❤️ ( also just adding this in, if you don't wear make up, then I would suggest just leaving your skin completely alone. Look up the caveman regimen)

A post shared by Brianna Lopez (@briannagabrielaa) on

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