Фитнес-модель показала, что стало с ее прессом после рождения близнецов

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Обращаем ваше внимание, что статье более пяти лет и она находится в нашем архиве. Мы не несем ответственности за содержание архивов, таким образом, может оказаться необходимым ознакомиться и с более новыми источниками.
Фото: instagram.com/bubs2bikinis

31-летняя Анна Строуд, на страницу которой в Instagram подписаны более 48 тысяч человек со всего мира, стала мамой близнецов чуть более года назад. На днях она выложила в фотоблог архивный снимок, на котором продемонстрировала, как выглядел ее некогда безупречный пресс в первые месяцы после родов.

Фитнес-модель Анна Строуд из Австралии стала мамой близнецов Сэммуэля и Лачи в мае 2015 года и с тех пор прославилась на весь мир благодаря своему аккаунту в Instagram.

Молодая мать регулярно публикует забавные снимки с малышами, а также рассказывает, как ей удалось вернуть себе стройную и подтянутую фигуру после родов.

Недавно она разместила в фотоблоге новый пост, который сопроводила коллажем из снимков.

Один из них был сделан в первые месяцы после родов, а другой — на днях.

«На правом снимке то, что вы обычно видите, листая ленту в своем Instagram, на левом — то, чем вы вряд ли когда-то хотели бы поделиться со всем миром.

Однако я горжусь обоими снимками, ведь фото неидеального пресса напоминает мне о том, что я выносила двоих здоровых детей.

Любите свое тело, ведь даже несмотря на дряблую кожу, обвисшую грудь и растяжки, вы прекрасны!» — написала Анна в посте под фото.

2 pictures taken moments apart. The pic on the right is one that might resemble what you see as you scroll your Instagram feed each day. The pic on the right probably reminds you of the ones you think you could never possibly share with the world. Polar opposites ~ but guess what, I've decided that both pictures MAKE ME PROUD. Everyday we are surrounded by images that are supposed to represent 'perfection' but why can't the pic on the left represent perfection too?! The pic on the left represents what my body is capable of ~ growing 2 babies, yes! Little humans that have come into the world and made me the happiest mumma in the whole wide world! It's not easy for me to do this, I promise you as I post this I am no joke absolutely shit*ing myself but the reason I'm doing this is to show you we're ALL REAL! We all have things we wish we could change, it's easy to get caught up in the perfect world of social media but DON'T! Because behind every image is someone that has things they wish they could change too. Be proud, be kind, love your body for what it has done. Stretch marks, loose skin, bellies and saggy boobs - embrace it mummas because you are BEAUTIFUL ???

A photo posted by Anna Strode ~ Fit Twin Mama (@bubs2bikinis) on

К слову, спустя 4 месяца после родов Строуд удалось полностью избавиться от лишних килограммов и добиться упругого пресса. Секрет девушки — в правильном питании и регулярных тренировках:

Анна мастерски совмещает занятия спортом и хлопоты по дому, а иногда даже использует близнецов в качестве спортивных снарядов.

Sleep School has made me sooooo sleepy! It's like when you stop and all of a sudden 13 months of no sleep catches up with you and hits you like a punch in the face ?? Hospitals and I have really never got along, I feel gross when I'm at them. The food, the lack of fresh air and the confined space - it makes me feel like I have a constant hangover! I REALLY didn't feel like working out today (yes I have those days too!) so I just set my timer for 20 minutes and moved! I didn't follow a set amount of sets of reps, I just kept moving for 20 minutes and did a combination of my favourite exercises. This is a great way to mix things up when you're feeling a bit off and lacking motivation. Tonight is our last night at sleep school. This whole week has honestly felt kind of surreal. It feels weird to be going home, I'm really not sure what to expect when we get there in terms of sleep and routine. Lachie and Samuel are doing extremely well, they still wake at 5am but I think we just have a couple of go getters on our hands! They are busy little boys that's for sure and I'm sure I can pay them back when they are teenagers hehe. Day sleeps have been good the last few days as well and that is a real relief as those catnaps and days of no sleep really do send my anxiety skyrocketing! Unfortunately I have not been sleeping so I'm feeling quite 'meh' is there such thing as a sleep school for adults?! Haha This week I have been surrounded by so many beautiful, strong, courageous mums - I'm really going to miss having them around, it's been like living in a little 'mummy community' for the week. Im off to pack up our room but will update you all on how our last night went in the morning. Sending sleepy vibes to all the mummas and bubbas out there ❤️❤️ you all ?? #twinmum #twinmom #idtwins #twins #identicaltwins #twinstagram #igtwins

A video posted by Anna Strode ~ Fit Twin Mama (@bubs2bikinis) on

My workout tonight! I had a busy day today attending a course with the Women's Institute of Fitness which meant I didn't get a chance to get into the garden and sweat ?? So, this quick circuit was the perfect zippy workout to give me the fix I needed. I did 12 reps of each exercise and repeated 3 times while my cheeky little monkeys soaked in the tub, which just happens to be one of their favourite things to do so it's the perfect opportunity for me to get a quick little workout in ?? Don't be fooled though, it really does get the heart rate up! I hope you have all had a fabulous weekend and had the opportunity to spend some quality time with your loved ones ?? sending you all lots of happy vibes for a good week ahead - we got this mummas! Xx

A video posted by Anna Strode ~ Fit Twin Mama (@bubs2bikinis) on

Awww my heart melts... ?? I was looking back over photos today and found this. Thought it was the perfect time to share again since we are in #worldbreastfeedingweek. BUT while it's nice to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week I think we should actually be celebrating ALL the mamas and bubbas out there! Breast or bottle ~ a fed baby is a HAPPY baby! I have seen first hand how struggles with breastfeeding can emotionally torment mothers, it's so important that while we do celebrate breastfeeding journeys that we also celebrate mums for ALWAYS trying their best ?? Those very early days, weeks and months of breastfeeding were REALLY tough. I remember in the first few weeks it just completely ZAPPING me, I could barely function and I felt like it just drained every ounce of energy I had. Sometimes I felt so exhausted and physically and emotionally drained from it I almost felt like I had no love to give ?? It was sooooo hard and I really didn't know how I was going to continue... But I know now looking back it was just my body adjusting ~ hormones, no sleep, giving birth, adjusting to life with 2 babies in it - BIG changes that are sure to knock you around. We eventually found our groove with breastfeeding and although I felt like it really restricted me from ever leaving the house in that first year I was quite emotional, extremely anxious and really sad and scared when Lachie and Samuel self weaned at around 13 months. I was worried we would lose part of 'US' but it's amazing how they have been able to show me love and share our special bond in other ways. Now they come up and cuddle right into me, blow kisses, plant big sloppy ones on my face and wrap their arms around my legs as I walk ?? so much love for this mama. I know breastfeeding is just one journeys we shared and I'm so excited for what others are to come ?? So while it has been lovely to see all the beautiful breastfeeding pictures this past week I would just like to also say that I think ALL mamas are BEAUTIFUL ~ everyone's journey is different ~ and everyone's journey is special ~ NOT just one week of the year ~ but EVERY week of the year ??? keep on shining mamas ??

A photo posted by Anna Strode ~ Fit Twin Mama (@bubs2bikinis) on

I can't believe the boys have been in the world as long as they were in the womb! Our pregnancy seemed to go on foreverrrr but the last 9 months seemed to have passed in the blink of an eye - quite literally really considering we haven't managed much sleep ?? One thing I have learnt is to 'go with the FLOW' don't spend hours reading books (or Google!!) about what is 'supposedly right' because every baby is different and at the end of the day, no matter how hard you try - they'll decide on their own routine! The more I have relaxed and 'gone with the flow' the more this whole motherhood roller coaster feels manageable. If I could tell myself one thing 9 months ago it would be 'chill out a little mumma, don't be so hard on yourself and face each challenge knowing it to shall pass' #mumlife #momlife #mommylife #mummyblogger #mommyblogger #bbgmoms #bbgmums #bbgfam #bbgsisters #fitmom #fitmum #fitnessmum #identicaltwins #idtwins #twinmum #twinmom #postpartum #fitmums #fitmoms #fitmomsofig #twinlife @postpartum @fit_moms_of_ig @igfitmoms @fitmomsinspire @takebackpostpartum

A photo posted by Anna Strode ~ Fit Twin Mama (@bubs2bikinis) on

When I was still in hospital with Lachie and Samuel (we were there for 12 days after their birth) I went to see the hospital physio to get some compression pants. When I walked into the room she asked how many weeks I was - thinking I was still pregnant! I burst into tears and sobbed 'I've already had my babies'. Truth is, I actually thought once I had given birth I would walk out of hospital with my 'pre-baby body'. I'd read stories how women leave the hospital in their size 6 or 8 jeans so I naturally thought 'ok babies out, body back' So when I looked in the mirror and walked the hospital corridors I was so incredibly embarrassed and ashamed that I still had such a big belly. I was texting friends that had babies asking 'how long until my tummy goes back to normal?!' Someone told me '2 weeks' so I thought I could handle that. 2 weeks later when I still looked 20 weeks pregnant I was again devastated and upset. But then, I came across a beautiful article that reminded me my body had made two babies and it had taken 9 whole months to do that... How could I possibly expect it to 'bounce back?!' So I figured if it took 9 months to make 2 babies, I would give myself 9 months to get my body back. I soon realised that I couldn't train how I used to though, I was time poor and running on minimal hours of sleep so I dedicated 20 minutes a day to SWEAT and it's worked... And here we are - 9 months postpartum and actually much fitter than I've ever been in my life. This is proof that you don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on a gym membership, work out for hours a day or go on crazy fad diets... 20 - 30 mins a day at home, choose healthy and fresh food, treat yourself every so often, exercise even when you can't be bothered, set goals and BELIEVE in why you started! #fitfam #fitmum #fitmom #fitmomsofig #fitmomsinspire #twinmum #twinmom #mumlife #momlife #mommyblogger #mummyblogger #fitnessblogger #postpartum #fitnessforall #homeworkout #homeexercises @igfitmoms @fit_moms_of_ig @shonda1020 @fit_moms_of_ig @fitmomsinspire @postpartum @born_2_transform #transformation

A photo posted by Anna Strode ~ Fit Twin Mama (@bubs2bikinis) on

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